Just Have A Little Vinegar

“Just have a little vinegar” is my solution to just about everything. If I feel sluggish and want more coffee… I think to myself, “just have a little vinegar.” If I feel bloated, phlegmy and regret eating so much cheese and bread, the solution is “just have a little vinegar.” If I have a headache or feel achy all over, questioning if I’m coming down with something, I “just have a little vinegar.” When I think I’m hungry and craving sugar or salt, I “just have a little vinegar.” Anytime I’m feeling the hangover of too much indulgence or feel like something is missing, I “just have a little vinegar.” I always feel better after I have some. My inspiration for sharing this secret is because right now, I’m feeling sluggishness from a heavy tamale lunch and knew it was time for a Hint of Mint Spritzer. I am halfway though my drink and I’m already feeling more vibrant and less bloated.

My absolute favorite cure-all is a vinegar spritz. I’m obsessed and with good reason. It makes everything better because in addition to tasting wonderful, the drink is abundant with health benefits some of which can be felt immediately. The infused vinegar and bubbly water duo can be enjoyed morning, noon or night, with meals or as a stand alone. There are endless varieties from the Tangible Taste repertoire to enhance your glass of seltzer including the classic New Moon Fire Cider, seasonal favorites Florida Citrus and Florida Cranberry and my favorite flavor to date; Lavender Lemonade.

I’ve been experiencing a gravitational pull to feel better that has taken years of education, lifestyle modification, trial and error and continually moving forward even after set backs to gain traction and create my personalized awareness of what works and what doesn’t. One issue that I have been trying to solve is the energy and mind slump I’ve experienced around 3pm. This setback fills my mind with cravings of sugar or caffeine to pick me up and carry me through the rest of the day. Years ago a daily coca-cola would “pick me up” and consequently leave me crashing again soon enough after the sugar spiked my insulin and sent it spiraling. Coffee drinks had similar results. You may not have realized that the sugars in flavored coffee drinks are just as prolific as sodas and even more surprising is that coffee alone affects insulin resistance. Kombucha was my next substitute because I loved the idea of the “probiotic” effect even though I was still drinking a heavily caffeinated beverage.

With my nutritional wisdom put to work, I’ve evolved my diet and now enjoy a vinegar spritz. The apple cider vinegar is abundant in acetic acid created from the “mother” bacteria that is filled with life. If you’re looking for probiotics, look no further. Studies show that apple cider vinegar helps digestion, can improve glucose and insulin resistance, reduce blood pressure and LDL cholesterol, tame inflammation, reduce bloating, promote weight loss and the most important effect is that apple cider vinegar is alkalinizing. The foundation and breeding ground for disease is an acidic environment. The opposite of that is alkalinity. Alkaline human systems are strong and healthy and can combat what comes at them. This explains why studies show that apple cider vinegar boosts the immune system.

I’ve created so many flavorful infusions to keep you excited to take your daily vinegar. Along with my beloved vinegar spritz, I use my infusions as salad dressings, to season steamed vegetables, especially potatoes and the pepper infusions are a must on my morning eggs. I’ll dilute the vinegars and use them as a quick pickle brine for onions, cucumbers, carrots and even tomatoes. I add vinegar to my bowl of soup and I put a dash on rice too. The beauty of these additions is that along with health benefits, I’m also adding a new layer of flavor too. If you’re like me and love to eat, and love even more to feel good after you eat then just have a little vinegar.